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【隨藝話】過熟鳳梨的利用 Usage of ripened Pineapple


I like to search for surprise in markets,
especially those greens and fruits which are on sale and sold in a bulk because of poor appearance.
This pile of Pineapple costed me $100 NTD,
the sweet aroma and juice were from ripening,
so I used it to produce Pineapple yeast.


Washed and left Pineapple to air dry.


Chopped the head and bottom off and peeled, used peels for compost.



Cut the Pineapple into cube and placed some n a High-temperature sterilization jar about 1/3 high,
I also added sliced Lemon with it,
and put sugar onto the flesh, thin layer but completely covered the flesh,
another 1/3 Pineapple cube on the sugar after,
and then again used sugar to cover flesh,
repeated it once and make sure the sugar is the top layer,
and covers the flesh properly when you finish it.


Profile. I used black sugar at the first time but ran out it,
so I covered the flesh with white sugar in the end.


Replanted the heads of Pineapple on my pots, and wait for their growing.


The Pineapple yest has done, and I used it to make a sourdough starter,
and it is as active as I thought.


【隨藝話】YAMASAKI SK-3580RHS 山崎 35公升三溫控3D電烤箱

之所以購入山崎 35公升三溫控3D專業級全能電烤箱 YAMASAKI SK-2580RHS,因為舊烤箱壞了,參考了網友們的開箱文後,因為山崎只提供網購商品,故小編找遍了台灣大多數的網路通路、比較了各家的價格後,向露天拍賣的一位代購賣家下訂了這台烤箱,除了沒有發票外,公司貨 (udn出貨)且保固一年。(賣家可提供購買證明,而保固卡隨箱寄出)

The reason I purchased YAMASAKI 35L OVEN was sample: my old oven didn't work any more. After studying most articles and information about this oven, I ordered one on ruten auction,
it's much cheaper but the warranty is the same.

更多關於此烤箱的介紹請參考 山崎35公升烤箱
Want to know more about SK-2580RHS? here ( website is in Chinese)

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